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02-04 February 2024, Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, Kolkata, West Bengal

02-04 February 2024

02-04 February 2024

02-04 February 2024

March 2017

Volume : 33

No.: 1

Epinephrine Syndrome, Awareness Bell For Prosthodontists : A Case Report

Dr. Niranjan Chugh,Dr. Shivam Tomar,Dr. Sushen Sharma

Abstract: Epinephrine is one of the most widely-used vasoconstrictors in dental treatment. However, the systemic safety of epinephrine has been in debate for many years because of its potential risk to cause cardiovascular complications. Prosthodontic work on vital tooth requires direct application of epinephrine into the oral cavity, and the amount is reported to be much larger than other dental surgeries. Besides, pre-existing cardiovascular complications or drug interactions can enhance its systemic influence, resulting in increased susceptibility to cardiovascular complications. Epinephrine is a dose-sensitive drug, and its hypersensitivity reaction can be fatal to patients when it is related to cardiovascular complications.The purpose of this case report was to make dentists more aware of epinephrine overdose, its cause and side effects with management.

Keyword: Cardiovascular diseases, Drug interactions, Epinephrine, Vasoconstrictor agent
Page : 1 Read
Geographic Tongue - A Case Report.

Dr. Abarna Sen

Abstract: Benign migratory glossitis is commonly known as geographic tongue. Its dominated characteristic is a constantly changing pattern osserpiginous white lines surrounding areas of smooth, depapillated mucosa. In this case a young boy is found suddenly with benign migratory glossitis. The changing pattern is derived from history obtained from patient. This case is presented in the view of its unusual pattern and rarity.

Keyword: .
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Utilization Of Extracted Teeth As Provisional Restorations Following Immediate Implant Placement – A Case Report

Dr. Arun Choudhary,Dr. Ritesh Gourav,Dr. Pratheek Shetty,Dr. Abhay Sonthalia

Abstract: Patients facing the unexpected loss of a tooth in the esthetic zone in an otherwise healthy dentition may feel psychologically distressed. The placement of an implant into a fresh extraction socket followed by an immediate provisional restoration supported by adjacent teeth can help alleviate an upsetting experience. The utilization of a patient׳s own teeth can further provide a seamless transition from hopeless teeth to implant supported restorations. This case report utilized a patient's natural teeth as provisional restorations supported by immediately placed implants to provide a seamless transition period of healing.

Keyword: Immediate implant, ovate pontic, provisional restoration, reinforcement fiber.
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Non-Surgical Management Of Internal Root Resorption Of Maxillary Incisor: A Case Report

Dr. Suranjita Das,,Dr. Asim Maity,Dr. Debaprasad Das,Dr. Anirban Bhattacharya

Abstract: Internal resorption is a relatively rare phenomenon where resorption begins within the root canal and destroys the surrounding hard tissues. Management of internal root resorption is a challenge to the dental practitioners. It may occur in cases with chronic pulpal inflammation following caries or due to trauma. Most cases of internal root resorption are seen in the anterior teeth, due to their susceptibility to trauma. However, it may be seen in the posterior teeth. Early diagnosis, removal of the cause, proper management of the resorbed root is mandatory for successful treatment outcome. This paper presents a case having resorptive defect in the root canal of maxillary right central incisor which was treated nonsurgically with thermoplasticized gutta percha obturation technique.

Keyword: Pulpal inflammation, trauma, internal root resorption, thermoplasticized gutta percha technique.
Page : 12 Read
Orthodontics In Adult Patients

Dr. Prof. Ravindra Rekhade,Dr. Jayashree Chakraborty,Dr. Debraj Sarkar

Abstract: There is a rising influx of adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment in the recent era. 20-25% of orthodontic patients are reported to be adults. This trend is rising as society becoming more esthetic and health conscious. Hence, it is imperative to explore and understand various aspects of orthodontic treatment where adults need special considerations. Though acceptable esthetics is an integral part of treatment goal at any age, but function, stability and health of dentition are given paramount importance in adults. Adult patients have many preexisting conditions that are usually not present in adolescent patients. Hence, additional treatment objectives are established at the outset of the treatment.

Keyword: Adult orthodontic treatment, Adjunctive treatment, Comprehensive treatment, Interdisciplinary orthodontics.
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Marcus Gunn Phenomenon : A Case Report

Dr. Soumyajit Dutta,Dr. Rupam Sinha,Dr. Soumyabrata Sarkar,Dr. Viyas Bhowmik,Dr. Tanya Khaitan

Abstract: Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Phenomenon/Trigemino-oculomotor synkinesis was first described by Marcus Gunn, an ophthalmologist, in 1883. It consists of elevation or depression of the eyelid on chewing/suckling movement and may occur in one or both eyes, with or without congenital ptosis. We present a case of 42-year-old male, who reported to the Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology of Haldia Institute of Dental Sciences & Research, with elevation of eyelid on chewing and side by side jaw movements.

Keyword: Marcus gunn phenomenon, congenital ptosis, synkinesis, amblyopia.
Page : 23 Read
Infection Control: A Prosthodontist's Approach

Dr. Rashmi Sharma,Dr. Chetna Tikmani,Dr. Sreya Chowdhury,Dr. Tapan Giri,Dr. Sugata Mukherjee,Dr. Ranjan Ghosh

Abstract: Infection control is an important concept in the practice of dentistry.Dental personnels are commonly exposed to blood, saliva and other potentially infectious materials. In case of the Prosthodontists, the risk of disease transmission increases as the laboratory also plays an important role in cross contamination.The use of effective infection control procedures and universal precautions in the dental office as well as the dental laboratory will prevent cross contamination that could extend to dentists, dental office staff, dental techinicians and patients.

Keyword: Dental laboratory, disinfection, infection control, sterilization.
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Unsual Cases Of Unilateral Transmigration Of Impacted Mandibular Canine

Dr. Anuj Mishra,Dr. Debanti Giri

Abstract: Failure of eruption of the mandibular canine is unusual. Transmigration of a mandibular canine across the midline is a rare condition with obscure etiology. The mandibular permanent canine is the only tooth in the dental arch reported to migrate across the midline, but it usually remains within the same side of the arch. The treatment of transmigrated mandibular canine demands clinical expertise. Whether the tooth is symptomatic or not the treatment options vary according to the needs of the individual

Keyword: Impacted canine, transmigration, mandibular, Panoramic radiograph.
Page : 30 Read
Review On Recent Advances In All-Ceramics For Dental Practice

Dr. Anindita Majumder,Dr. Tanmay Biswas,Dr. Prof. Tapan Giri,Dr. Prof. S. Mukherjee

Abstract: Dental ceramics are the preferred alternatives to traditional materials to meet the patient and dentist demand for improved aesthetics. Over the last few decade, there has been increasing interest in ceramic materials in dentistry. While porcelain based materials are still a major component in dental practice, however there has been some move to replace metal-ceramics with all-ceramic systems due to advances in fabrication technology and bonding techniques. The application of high technology processes lead to development of newer materials like Heat Pressed- Injection molded, Slip cast- Glass infiltrated, Glass ceramics. In this brief review, discussion about advances in all-ceramics and fabrication techniques. microstructure property relationship will also be addressed.

Keyword: All ceramics, sintering, slip cast, CAD CAM, Zirconia.
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